Horse and Carriage
Romantic Cape May, New Jersey Activities
Step onto a trip with the Cape May Carriage Company and enjoy a time of less stress and worries. It’s easy to relax and enjoy oneself while ambling along at a leisurely pace—although other cars and traffic may pass you by, a carriage ride about the things you can see during the journey, not the speed or ultimate destination. You can make reservations online at Cape May Carriage Company.
Beginning at the corner of Ocean Street and Washington Street mall, Cape May carriage rides visit many locations of historical significance within the area. There is plenty to be found here—the entire town has been declared a National Historic Landmark!—and the Carriage Company’s knowledgeable guides can point out and provide information about the best features. During the ride, you can either listen in and ask questions or simply watch the views as they gently pass by. Reservations can be made with the company for private or group tours shared with other families.
The Carriage Company would like potential customers to know that they make a consistent and sincere effort to maintain the welfare of their horses, including keeping them clean and protecting them from bad weather. Their humane treatment policies have been featured in magazine articles and features.