Top 10 reasons to give a Queen
Victoria gift certificate |
#10) Didn’t notice your wife’s new hair cut
#9) Forgot to take out the trash … again
#8) Say I love you
#7) Birthday gift
#6) Thank you gift to parents for wedding
#5) Christmas Gift
#4) Anniversary gift for wife/husband
#3) Last minute Anniversary gift
#2) Forgot your Anniversary
#1) Marriage Proposal
A Queen Victoria gift certificate is always the
perfect gift. It always fits and is sure to please, and
you might get to enjoy it too. Best of all, there is no
shopping involved. Just give us a
34th Annual Victorian Week Oct 6-15
Rated one of North America’s “top 100 events”, the
34th annual Victorian Week is a ten day extravaganza
celebrating Cape May’s Victorian heritage.
This year’s event, October 6-15, features Historic
House Tours, Vintage Fashion Shows, Murder Mystery
Dinners, a Vintage Dance Workshop, Brass Band Concerts,
Crafts and Antiques Shows and more.
Sherlock Holmes Weekend Nov 3-5
Sherlock and Watson are returning to Cape May for
their bi-annual sleuthing to solve the mystery of “The
Star of Arabia”. Join them in a search for clues to
solve this original Cape May mystery. If you’re truly
inspired, compete for best costume by donning Victorian
Stalk the gaslit streets in search of clues and
compete for valuable prizes as you attempt to solve the
mystery. Plan a Fall getaway and enjoy a new mystery,
written especially for the occasion by playwright John
25th Annual Cape May Dickens
Extravaganza Dec 3-5 |
Yes, it is coming back by popular demand. The Dickens
Extravaganza is a proud tradition in Cape May and at The
Queen Victoria. We are exited about this year’s event
and all the new things added to it to make it more fun
than ever.
With banquets, theatrical presentations and readings,
wine tastings and tours, as well as some interesting
scholarly review, this year’s event promises to be
Inn Deep Workshop for Aspiring
Innkeepers Nov 5-8 |
If you are:
Secretly dreaming of being an Innkeeper
Seriously thinking of being an Innkeeper
Definitely planning on becoming an Innkeeper
Then start planning now to attend INN-DEEP this
November 5 – 8.
InnDeep is a 4 day workshop designed to give aspiring
innkeepers the “back room” view of what innkeeping is
all about. See what happens behind “the curtain”, learn
the tricks of the trade, and talk to innkeepers about
what it is really like to be an innkeeper. Best yet, we
give you a nice discount for your stay while you’re
Upcoming Events (wow … there are
LOTS of them) |
- Back to the 50s Exhibit May 26 to Sep 3
- Designer Show House June 17 to Sep 17
- Food & Wine Festival Sep 16 to Sep 21
- Grandma’s Attic & Kitchen Antique show Sep 9
- Victorian A to Z exhibit Sep 15 to Jan 1 2007
- Cape May wine school (Australia reds) Oct 1
- Victorian Week Oct 6 – 15
- Chocolate Fantasy Buffet Oct 15
- Cape May wine school (Northern Italian) Oct 29
- Halloween in Cape May Oct 13 – 31
- German Beer Dinner Oct 20
- Sherlock Holmes weekend Nov 3 – 5
- Fall Arts & Craft Festival Nov 4
- Dinner on the Orient Express Nov 5
- InnDeep workshop Nov 5 to Nov 7
- Chocolate Fantasy Buffet Nov 18
- Holiday Preview Weekend Nov 18 – 19
- Dinner with Ghosts of Christmas Past Nov 17
- Cape May wine school (Country French) Nov 19
- Thanksgiving at The Queen Victoria Nov 23 – 24
- Holiday Crafts Fair Nov 24 – 25
- Christmas Candlelight Tours Dec 2, 9, 16
- Holiday Traditions Workshop & Lunch
- Dickens Christmas Extravaganza Dec 3 – 5
- Holiday Cooking School & Lunch Dec 9
- Cape May wine school (Barefoot contessa of Bubbly)
Dec 17
- Christmas at The Queen Victoria Dec 24 – 25
- Holiday Chef’s Dine-Around Dec 28
Wow! Another Summer is nearly over, and all of us are
contemplating Fall and Winter (I’m actually trying to pretend
winter won’t come, but I have to be realistic). Anyway, we had
a GREAT Summer in Cape May and The Queen Victoria, thanks to
all of you who came to stay with us this year. A special
thanks to our returning guests who make our days so enjoyable.
It is wonderful to have guests who become friends!
Best seat in Cape May!
So you’ve suffered through a day at the beach, maybe
a little shopping, and now it’s time to relax. By all
accounts, this is the best place in Cape May to do it. A
couple of glasses of tea (maybe you’ll choose to bring
your own “special” tea), and you’re ready to go.
Between the soft breezes blowing off the ocean, the
gentle rocking motion of your chair, and the endless
parade of tourists strolling the steet in front of you,
you’ll quickly find you have the best seat in town. You
might just become famous too. So many people take
pictures of The Queen Victoria that you’re bound to be
in several family photo albums.
Featured “Room of the Month”
As promised, we’re continuing our “Featured Room of
the Month” with our third entry. Everybody loves to peak
into all the rooms, so we’re just making it easy for
you. This is our very nicest room … the Crown Jewel.
The Crown Jewel is an ultra luxury suite attached to
The Queen Victoria building. It is THE room for any
special occasion. From the moment you step into the
“library”, with its built in gas fireplace, custom book
shelves, big-screen high definition television with DVD
and Bose surround sound, and leather chesterfield sofa
you know you are in for a special experience. The
downstairs bath boasts an impressively large
two-person/two head shower, and the special “cosmetics”
corner at the end of the long marble counter. The
staircase takes you to a Juliet balcony and posh second
floor sleeping loft with a two-person marble surrounded
whirlpool tub, gas Franklin stove, king sized
pillow-topped bed, color television, Bose “Wave” CD
player/radio, telephone, and sitting area with antique
appointments. If you want to stay in the nicest room in
Cape May you’ll need to reserve the Crown Jewel for your
next visit to The Queen Victoria.
Early Bird Discounts Very
Popular |
Wow! Since my last email where I mentioned the
Earlybird Discount program LOTS of you have booked your
2007 dates upon departure this year. It isn’t hard to
understand why. Between the discount you get and the
peace of mind knowing you get the room you want for next
year, it is hard to imagine not doing it.
On average, the discount you receive by booking a
year ahead works out to about a 15% – 16% return on your
deposit “investment”. Can you think of an investment
that is more fun than The Queen Victoria? The best part
of all, of course, is that you know you’re coming back
next year, and you have the room you really want,
Tea Anyone?
Most of you already know that “Tea” is one of the
highpoints of any day. Let’s face it … it takes a lot
to drag most people off of the beach at 3:55, but it
happens regularly.
What better way to spend an afternoon than sitting on
the porch of Prince Albert Hall sipping tea and sampling
our savories and sweets. Of course, Tea is also a great
time to discuss restaurant options and make plans for
the evening. Just save room for dinner!
Queen Victoria History on Sale
Now |
When we incorporated the Queen’s Hotel into the bed
& breakfast we made every room’s Queen Victoria
throw obsolete. We ordered new ones for all 32 rooms
with the new name “House of Royals”. So what do we do
with the 32 throws that still say Queen’s Hotel?
Sell them cheap, of course. That’s right, you can own
one of these limited edition collectors items for only
$29.95 (plus shipping). Our new throws cost $59.95 in
our gift shop, so you’ll save $30 on your purchase. Talk
about taking a piece of The Queen Victoria home with
you, this is it. You’ll probably get the one that was in
the room you stayed in! (as far as you know). Call for
information about ordering.
Stay & Play … Still
Last year we introduced our Stay & Play package,
which was so popular we decided to do it again. If you
love great theatre in a cozy setting (i.e. small
theatre), you’ll love Cape May stage. If you’ve been to
a Cape May Stage production, you know that the acting is
incredible. If you haven’t gone before, you need to do
it this year.
Reserve a room at The Queen Victoria for 4 nights
over a weekend, or 3 nights mid-week, and we’ll be happy
to provide you with complimentary tickets to the Cape
May Stage. Just mention it to us when you call to book
your room.
Doug & Anna Marie’s Restaurant
Pick Of The Month … the Washington Inn
This year for our anniversary Anna Marie and I went
to the Washington Inn. It’s that kind of place … where
you want to spend special occasions. There isn’t a
better restaurant in town, and the Washington Inn is one
of our favorites. Zagat’s says “Everything is First
Class”. I guess that says it all.
We started our special dinner with the garden salad.
You’ve got to try this salad. It’s a large radicchio
“bowl” filled with greens, crumbled bleu cheese,
applewood smoked bacon and grape tomatoes topped with a
wonderful vinaigrette. Fabulous! Anna Marie moved onto
the pan seared filet, which her fork melted through. I
had the swordfish special, which was terrific. For
desert I couldn’t resist the famous chocolate tower and
Anna Marie had the blueberry peach cobber special. We
dined on the porch, which is our favorite room. What a
wonderful place to spend a special evening. You must
plan on the Washington Inn during your next stay at The
Queen Victoria.
Make your reservations today for a romantic getaway at The
Queen Victoria B&B. We are looking forward to helping you
plan your next visit!
Doug & Anna Marie McMain, Innkeepers
The Queen Victoria B&B
phone: 609-884-8702