Father’s Day Gift Idea!
I am sitting here struggling to come up with an idea
for Father’s Day gifts for my three Fathers (yes, three,
including my father-in-law and step-father) and I
haven’t a clue. You’re in the same boat, I’m sure. You
got Dad a new golf shirt for his birthday, and you know
he doesn’t wear ties anymore and he still hasn’t opened
the last package of socks you got him.
I know this sounds familiar to you.
But you
have an easy out! Get Dad a gift certificate to The
Queen Victoria!
I guarantee it will fit and you
know he’ll enjoy it. This really is the perfect gift
idea. It is fast, easy and sure to please. Give us a
call today and we’ll have the Certificate in your hands
by Thursday. It doesn’t get much easier. I just wish I
could do it!
Do you love Theatre?
Anna Marie and I love theatre. We used to subscribe
to the Walnut Street theatre in Philadelphia before we
moved to Cape May, which was always wonderful. We were
SO THRILLED when we discovered that little ‘ol Cape May
has a truly wonderful professional equity theatre
company in the Cape May Stage! Admittedly, the building
is not as impressive as Walnut Street (though they are
working hard to improve it!), but I can assure you that
the performances are just as impressive.
Cape May Stage has commenced its 2007 season with the
presentation of “Bad Dates”, which runs through June 30.
It is a wonderful performance, by all accounts. If you
are planning a trip to Cape May this summer and you love
great theatre, you need to make plans to visit Cape May
Don’t forget that we offer complimentary
tickets to Cape May Stage for extended stays (3 nights
during the week or 4 night weekend
Food & Wine!
If you know Anna Marie and me very well, you’ll know
we love both food and wine (especially wine!). That
being the case, you’ll understand our enthusiasm about
the Food & Wine festival every September. This event
gets better every year, which is actually hard to
I know it might be hard to think about a September
getaway before Summer has even really gotten started
(heaven knows I don’t want to rush Summer), but you need
to start planning your visit now if you want to enjoy
this wonderful festival, which runs Sept. 16-20. You
won’t want to miss the gourmet marketplace, winery
tours, wine tasting lectures, chef’s cookoff,
dine-arounds, or any of the other events planned.
Call us for more information about the Food
& Wine Festival. MAC is building a new website, so
their current one doesn’t have much info on the
2007 Cape May Designer Show House
It’s Back! For the third year in a row Cape May will
have a Designer Show House. This year’s house is just
around the corner from The Queen Victoria, just steps
from our front door. Anna Marie and I love the
showhouses every year, which we typically visit a couple
of times. You’ll definitely want to make time during
your upcoming visit to The Queen Victoria for the
Designer Show House.
This year’s house runs between June 30 and October
14. It is located at 608 Hughes street, which is one of
the prettiest streets in Cape May. The house features 11
bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, 5 fireplaces, formal parlor,
large dining room, library, gym, spa, and covered
porches overlooking the gardens. This year there are
LOTS of dinner/showhouse specials too, so you can take
advantage of a great meal package too!
Victorian Week October 5-14
Victorian Week is always one of the highlights of the
year. We love the Historic House tours (we’re always on
them, in fact), Murder mystery dinners, concerts, and
arts & crafts shows. Anna Marie and I even dress up
in our Victorian best for the house tours that we are
Victorian Week is the quintessential Cape May event.
If you love Victoriana and the charms of Cape May, how
can you even think about missing Victorian Week in 2007?
We still have availability for this event, but that
won’t be true for all that much longer. Give us a call
to be sure that you have your room
2007 Upcoming Events
- Delaware Bay Lighthouse Adventures Jun 23
- Designer Show House Jun 30 – Oct 14
- Delaware Bay Lighthouse Adventures Jul 21
- Delaware Bay Lighthouse Adventures Aug 25
- Delaware Bay Lighthouse Adventures Sep 15
- Cape May Food & Wine Festival Sep 16-20
- Victorian Week Oct 5-14
- Cape May Wine Festival Oct 6-7
- Halloween in Cape May Oct 24-28
- Sherlock Holmes Weekend Nov 2-4
- Dicken’s Christmas Extravaganza Dec 2-4
OK, I’ll admit that I’ve been a little remiss in my letter
writing, having missed two months in row. No excuses though!
Yes, we’ve been busier than usual, but to deprive you of your
monthly QV update is considered cruel and unusual by many of
you. I promise it won’t happen again … until the next time
So I’m trying to make it up to you now by
sending my June missive out much earlier than normal. Just in
time for Summer!
Not Too Late for Summer!
So Summer officially starts in just a few days. Have
you planned your summer get away yet? We have been
booking up a lot earlier than in past years, but we
still have availability through most of the Summer,
including a few weekend openings!
There is no time like now to call and reserve a room
for your summer vacation in Cape May. I may be a bit
biased, but I really think that The Queen Victoria is
the VERY best place to stay for that vacation. I’ve got
to tell you, though, that you need to do it soon. The
openings we have are disappearing quickly and I want to
be sure that all my favorite guests get the rooms that
they want.
Sadly, some of you have already found
out the hard way that the rooms/dates you wanted have
been booked. Don’t be another “Queen Victoria
Statistic”! Call us now and save your
Featured “Room of the Month” …
Princess Louise |
Well, our grand pictorial tour of The Queen Victoria
continues. Our Princess Louise room is one of our best
kept secrets, but I can’t figure out why! The Princess
Louise room, formerly room 32 for you folks that stayed
with us before we folded the Queen’s Hotel into the Bed
& Breakfast, is located in the House of Royals
This is one of my favorite rooms in the inn. It is
certainly one of the brightest. I believe it probably
has the best view from the bathroom of any room in town!
The Princess Louise room is our largest standard room,
which features a queen sized bed, private bath with
marble floors and a heated towel bar, and three big
windows, two of which you can see the ocean from. If you
are looking for a really private, spacious room with
lots of charm think about the Princess Louise room next
Stay & Play Special …
The “Stay and Play” package is back by popular
demand. As part of our ongoing support for great theatre
in Cape May, we’ve purchased 20 season tickets to the
Cape May Stage. That means we have 160 tickets to give
to our favorite guests. Of course, our favorite guests
are those who stay for several nights!
If you book a 4 night weekend stay or a 3 night
weekday stay (no exceptions!) we’ll be pleased to share
our tickets to the Cape May Stage with you. These
tickets have a $28 face value, so this is definitely a
great deal. In fact, it is the only package we offer
during the Summer. Be sure to ask about the tickets when
you reserve your room!
Favorite Guest Photos
Talk about a great shot! We’re fortunate to have many
guests spend the special moments in their lives at The
Queen Victoria. What could be more special than choosing
to spend the rest of your lives together? And what
better place to do it?
If you’re thinking about your upcoming engagement
(this means you guys!), or perhaps a honeymoon,
anniversary, or birthday, consider spending it in Cape
May at The Queen Victoria.
Doug & Anna Marie’s Restaurant
Pick Of The Month … Gecko’s Restaurant
I know lots of you are going to laugh at me about
this (Terry Ziegner did just the other day when she was
staying here), but Anna Marie and I just discovered this
wonderful restaurant. Sure, we knew it was there, and we
had heard great things about it, but we had never been.
Wow, what a mistake that was! Anna Marie has never been
a big Mexican food fan, so Southwest cuisine never
really appealed to us all that much. Needless to say
we’re both converts now. If you’re looking for a great
outside dining experience with amazingly high quality
and great value prices, you’ve got to try Geckos.
The last time we went we both LOVED our meals. We
started with the chips & salsa as an appetizer, to
get things started. This was followed shortly by their
amazing little corn muffins with a really interesting
jalapeno jelly. Anna Marie ordered fajitias, which were
perfect, with just the right choice of “fixins”. I
ordered the burrito because the guy next to me had it
and it looked incredible. It was! We brought our own
bottle of a “big red” wine and made a wonderful night of
it. Did I mention that most the seats are outside? It is
a charming atmosphere and a great way to enjoy a
beautiful evening in Cape May.
Don’t make the
mistake that we did and overlook this gem next time you
are in town
Make your reservations today for a romantic getaway at The
Queen Victoria B&B. We are looking forward to helping you
plan your next visit!
Doug & Anna Marie McMain, Innkeepers
The Queen Victoria B&B
phone: 609-884-8702